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« Wilma -Alpha, Alpha - Wilma | Main | Wilma and Me »

October 24, 2005


hi janey
sure hope you are ok, been watching the news and that wind looks ferocious! if you relax, i hope you can & be well

Post somethin already! I'm worried about you! Is Wilma gone? Everything OK?

BTW: peter just posted another collabrative he did with you... it's awesome!

Just cking in again... I am assuming your power is out. Hope you are ok!

Hmmm... you there?

Hope all is well at your corner of Boca raton. We got phone service today and we have a generator so we have some electric. Visit my blog for more info. Just hoping you are doing well. More and more electric is being restored near us so we're hopeful we'll be back up by the weekend.Take care and save those copics and paper because we want some more artwork from you soon!

Gosh, hope you are ok. Post as soon as you can!

Helloooo!?! Janey? Are you there? Hope all is ok and Wilma passed you by. Quick...write something when you can.

Thank you all and yes everything is back to semi normal status. Just no gas but electricity yesterday and still no phone only cell. But it's just conveniences i had to do without so no big complaints here. At least not after see what happened to those poor people in NO.

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