I've been beaned. Thanks ever so much Caroline. I'll remember this ;D 10 beans about me, let's see
- I worked with someone who used to call me a beanhead. Though I think she meant nicely, I have my doubts. It's like calling someone a peabrain and saying it's because they're fond of peas and so it's meant as an endearment. Sure.
- I hate refried beans those things are disgusting who knows what's in 'em.
- I drink chocolate soy milk and use the plain for my cereal. It's healthy.
- I will not eat soy yogurt. No matter what the flavor it's grey. Yuk, grey yogurt
- Ok, peas aren't beans but since I've already mentioned a pea let's just include it. When I was a kid my mother would make pea soup. I was a very visual child and didn't like how it looked and refused to it. She said I would sit at the table until I ate that soup. I spent alot of time at the kitchen table not eating. I was a skinny kid so she must have made alot of that soup. Still won't eat it.
- I'm running out of beans here people so I'm counting this as number 6
- oh and I don't like coffee. Coffee flavored ice cream yes though I prefer yogurt over ice cream coffee flavored candy even the smell of coffee just don't like the flavor.
- Another thing about coffee, my father always said he'd know if I was an adult if I started drinking coffee. So I never drank coffee. And then there's garlic. My father loved that stuff. I hated it. Now he's gone I love it. Put it in everything. Probably says more about I felt about my father then about the garlic or coffee huh?
- Ok, it's official run out of things about beans or their close relations. So, I drink tea, iced tea, gallons of it. Arizona iced tea.
- I like hot tea but only if I'm cold or sick but not lipton. And you know you go these nice restaurants and ask for tea and they give lipton's the little staple in the bag. Really.
- Well what do you know - a bonus bean - And then there's chocolate which is from the coca bean so it ok for this list. There isn't much to say about chocolate. I mean what can you say about perfection.
Janey you managed to stick to beans too! Wow! I thought I'd used them all up...
Thanks for doing the tag - and you have to admit with the bean slant it was a bit different ;-)
Posted by: Caroline | April 30, 2006 at 02:03 PM