You just wait, someday I'm going to be famous. That lady who lives in a small town in nowhere Florida, she draws pink dogs. The significance of it, the intensity, the..the pinkness. Hey don't wait for the movie, read the book or the calendar (even better). Yeah, I can see it now. A kiosk in the mall, the one I can't afford to shop in, the one where they turned the whole front of the mall with the best parking spots into one big valet parking lot and they charge you $4.00 to park you car so you can go in and spend money and then they expect a tip? Who do they think I am? Hockney? I don't do dachshunds. Grrrr. woof, woof.
Pink dog has very intense eyes. Bravo!
Posted by: Andrea | October 09, 2006 at 08:48 PM
Thanks Andrea. I'm a little into pink tonight.
Posted by: janey | October 09, 2006 at 09:18 PM