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November 28, 2007


Loocked up the Gocco .. let me know if the 39 celebration brings you one. Looks messy to me, but maybe the results are worth it.

I'll have to note the is not everyday that we get to celebrate an umpteenth 39th day!Now what is a gocco...I'll have to google it1

Now I have Gocco envy...That looks like way too much fun - I hope you get one. It would work so well with your particular style (hmm, mine too I think...)

Oooh... I think you should get one. Yep, I think a 39th birthday anniversary is just exactly the occasion for such a thing. Yippee! Then you can give us all the real scoop on how it works, and we can all want Goccos, too. Actually, after looking it up, I already kind of do, but I'm fighting it... I'm fighting it!

If it was an oft repeated 42nd year, then I wouldn't but only a 2nd 39th year well that's an occassion. A year that's never been repeated. I bought it last night. OMG Yikes I really bought it last night. I'm afraid to go on line and look at my visa account.

And really if I just divide the $ up by 8 for 8 days of Chanukah then it really doesn't cost that much does it? Rationalizing here.

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