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April 24, 2008


Such a beautiful pussycat! I'm sure she knew how much you loved her, and she would thank you for what you did for her.

oh Janey, I haven't visited in a while, so I had no idea Zoe was sick! :c (
So sorry for you!!!!!!

Janey -- I've missed visiting for a few days, and didn't know about sweet Zoe. We're going through the same thing with my RuPaw, so I can just imagine how you feel. I'm all teary just thinking about it. I wish I could be there to give you a hug. That looks like one good cat.
(((((big hug)))))

another big, compassionate hug from me to on the passing of sweet and beautiful Zoe. I am so sorry. I know the pain...and miss my sweet kitties, JazzCat and Cool Baby. And even though Buddy and BeBop can never take their place, and they won't live forever, people like us need kitties in our lives and homes. Love to you, dear CJ. xoxo

I am so sorry.

Even when they are old and ailing and have had a long and good life, it is still so hard when they must go on without us.

Switching from "doing all you can for them" to "the best you can do is help them go" is ... a very hard transition to make.

Someone said once that that is the day when we take their pain and make it our own.

sharing your tears, Vicki

I am so very sorry for this loss my friend. I have been gone for too long. Sorry for that as well.

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