Ok well that horrible holiday urge got a hold of my very weak soul yesterday. And the worst thing is that it happened in Best Buy.
I switched back to att for my phone from cable. When cable goes out so does the phone. And living in Florida that happens alot. So I went to Best Buy yesterday to pick up a modem. There was no traffic. I didn't realize it at the time but that was because everyone was at Best Buy.
So I picked up the modem and thought while I'm here I'll wander around- a really bad idea. And then it hit me - the horrible upgrade your gadget urge. I thought I'd sure like to stream some videos. Ok, so I'll need a router. Ok and and a smart blu ray (the new electronics are called smart because the buyer isn't). The blu ray needs a HDMI cable and how about my other TV. In the wagon went the Roku and that needs a HDMI cable too. And the cable cost more than the Roku. Ok so out I walked with $400 worth of non needful urges. And then I thought I need a new TV because the one where the Roku is going is older and doesn't have a UDMI thingee in the back. Ok I'll get it tomorrow and probably spend another $600. I thought Best Buy was open today.
Thankfully, Best Buy was closed. Was I ever lucky. I had all day to think like an adult. All the gadets except for the modem are sitting in the back of my car to return tomorrow. And because I don't trust myself I put them in the car today rather than wait for tomorrow. New Year's resolution #1 - If the urge to upgrade surfaces, go to Goodwill. They're open on Christmas too.