It's been an interesting 6 months here in beautiful Florida. Let's see - last Nov I had a temporal biopsy of both arteries. Not so bad only out of work for a week.
And then I joined a $10 a month gym whose name should synonymous with You get what you pay for. Hence the title of this post and the little drawing below.
So this is what you look like when the treadmill throws you off because some idiot leaves the treadmill running when they get off or the treadmill malfunctions and starts on it's own. And when you join a gym where the machines are so close together that you have to get on from the back and it's so dark you can't tell if the treadmill is moving. And where they don't have any automatic shut off.
You get a broken collarbone, orthopedic surgeons, insurance deductibles, llots of pain pills, no sleep, short term disability, an aide that insurance doesn't pay for so she only comes every other day which means I can only shower and change clothes every other day!
oh yes sireee, life has been very interesting lately.
And the lesson learned is - stay home and get flabby. it's probably healther.