I retired and that's one thing that happened since I've been gone.
![Whopee002 Whopee002](https://janeysjourney.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83452256f69e201b7c7635a11970b-350wi)
And the girls are very excited about it. Well I'm sure they'll be very excited once they wake up. Pretty sure anyway. Well ok so they probably won't care.
![Wakees001 Wakees001](https://janeysjourney.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83452256f69e201b7c7635a4a970b-350wi)
A lot has happened since I've been gone. There's been births and deaths. I have a newly minted great niece.
![Newbie001 Newbie001](https://janeysjourney.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83452256f69e201bb08076417970d-350wi)
There's been a 2nd operation on my foot to fix what the first surgeon did, cataract surgery on both eyes (I forgotten how bright colors can be) and hearing aids (I'm sure my neighbors are happy about the lower sounds coming from my TV). I can actually get a hearing dog now but I don't think Gracie would like that idea. Violet would just sleep through it.
And I have a new car thanks to a really bad 19 yr old driver (she didn't pay for it but caused me getting it). She went through a red light, hit me, caused me to swerve away from on coming traffic and roll over. My surgeon said that if this didn't disconnect my broken collarbone then nothing would. Very comforting. I stopped being angry. That's what karma's for.
I'll just post my new drawings here until I get a hang of the new flickr and restart my Etsy store.
So I'm back and I hope you'll come back too. Lot's of drawings and quilts to come.